You don’t understand this was her last chance. She came off the street with a V rating. Do you get it now? She worked her way up from every other word being fuck to being on the edge of here. The topmost of the Ivy League. But there was only room for six at the school between the cliffs. And you wouldn’t leave. You wouldn’t give that up. you were born into this. It was yours for the taking. She got up here, and she knew you weren’t gonna budge. So she left. And what’d you do? You chased her. Chased her down. And she beat on your hands as you tried to dislodge her from the cliff, knowing to save her life all you had to do was forfeit, just for a term. But for her it was all over. You didn’t care, so long as you got your place here. She wasn’t coming back from this. You said “Louise Jackson did this to you, not me” as you ripped her hands off the screen and she beat you with a stick.

This is when she started drinking.

Yeah, you know it was you.

But you won.

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